The Productivity Philosopher

The Productivity Philosopher
Level 19 AMP House 10 Eagle
Brisbane City QLD
Australia 4000

Phone +61 (0)7 3199 4799
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Education - Consultants Category

Leadership is critical throughout all parts of our communities and society generally. Fostering leadership principles in daily practice is a key focus of our leadership training. Productivity starts and ends with people. From a life, family, career, business perspective it starts with each of us. Technical skills are never enough. Personal coaching/mentoring available. It's critical to develop effective people skills to enhance careers and produce efficiency that increases profit. We aim to provide sufficient support to ensure the embedment of new knowledge and skills at a practical level for all members of teams. For More Info check our Website .

Nearby Service areas are: Brisbane Adelaide Street, Petrie Terrace, Spring Hill, Brisbane, City East, George Street

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